Dear valued customers.
This is our schedule in January .
We will be closed in Vietnamese new year.
☆Manager Koji : Day off →
☆Stylist Mao : Day off→
We look forward to seeing you soon!!.
Dear valued customers.
This is our schedule in January .
We will be closed beginning of new year(1st,2nd)and on the third Tuesday.( January 16th)
☆Manager Koji : Day off →1th,2th,8th,15th,22th,29th,25th
☆Stylist Mao : Day off→ 1th,2th,3th,4th,9th,16th,23th,24th,
☆Director Ame will be coming.
We look forward to seeing you soon!!.
Dear valued customers.
This is our schedule in October .
We will be closed only on the third Tuesday every month.( October is 17th)
☆Manager Koji : Day off →5st,9th,16th,17th,23th,30th.
☆Stylist Mao : Day off→ 2th,3th,4th,10th,17th,18th,24th,31th
We look forward to seeing you soon!!
Hair cut+Digital perm →1,125,000vnd.
We are available this promotion end of this month!!!